Modern orthodontics in our clinic makes it possible to fulfill the dreams of patients of all ages with a beautiful smile and perfect bite. We offer comprehensive orthodontic treatment of adolescents and adults. Orthodontic treatment is preceded by an in-depth interview between the doctor and the patient. It must also be carefully planned and carried out to bring satisfaction in the aesthetic and functional dimension. Tooth misalignment can cause more frequent tooth decay, tartar and plaque, and sometimes even tooth loss.
All treatments in our clinic can be carried out in installments.
MediRaty is a generally available financing system for medical services that facilitates the implementation of an optimal treatment plan and access to extensive medical procedures.
To start using it, you must pass a short telephone verification at number 22 266 83 70 (Mon-Fri 8-20, Sat 9-14).
MediRaty financing and installment payments
Szanowny Pacjencie,
informujemy, że wszystkie komercyjne usługi naszej placówki mogą być realizowane bez angażowania środków finansowanych „z góry” i opłacane w dogodnych ratach.
Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o kontakt z Rejestracją lub wypełnienie bezpłatnego „Formularza Pacjenta”.